Home - Practice Pattern Table of Contents - Lesson 6 Practice Patterns 601-610
This page features rhythm patterns with pickup notes of half a beat and one and a half beats in 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures. In each audio recording you will hear one complete measure in the count-off, and the rhythm pattern pickup notes will begin in the second measure. Make sure to count every beat and every subdivision to play these rhythms accurately. Read the introduction section on pickup notes to make sure that you understand how to count pickup notes and how to perform them. Also, read the practice suggestions for pickup notes.
More Practice Patterns: Pickup measures of one beat and two beats, patterns 601-610
Practice Pattern Table of Contents
Lesson 6 Introduction to pickup notes
Lesson 6 Practice Suggestion on pickup notes
Play along with MetronomeBot
Buy the book, The Fundamentals of Rhythm.
Pattern 611: MetronomeBot counting the subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert C.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 612: Metronome clicks (not subdivided), with MetronomeBot counting subdivided beats, quarter note = 60, on Concert F.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 613: Quarter note = 88, on Concert C.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 614: Metronome clicks (not subdivided), with MetronomeBot counting the subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert C.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 615: Quarter note = 88, on Concert D.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 616: Metronome clicks (not subdivided), with MetronomeBot counting subdivided beats, quarter note = 60, on Concert F.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 617: Quarter note = 84, on Concert G.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 618: Metronome clicks (not subdivided), with MetronomeBot counting the subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert B flat.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 619: Quarter note = 88, on Concert A.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 620: Quarter note = 100, on Concert C.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Practice Pattern Table of Contents
Lesson 6 Introduction to pickup notes
Lesson 6 Practice Suggestion on pickup notes
Play along with MetronomeBot
Buy the book, The Fundamentals of Rhythm.
All pattern images © 2012 by Kyle Coughlin, All Rights Reserved
Get the Book
Fundamentals of Rhythm book
If you would like all of this information in book format so that you can put it on your music stand and practice it wherever you go, get The Fundamentals of Rhythm, by Kyle Coughlin. The book includes all of the lesson information and practice exercises found on the website.
Use MetronomeBot for a fun online metronome!
The online metronome that counts the beat, subdivides, and offers encouraging practice tips.
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