Home - Practice Pattern Table of Contents - Practice Patterns 1001-1011
The practice patterns on this page feature rhythms with two sixteenth notes per beat. The first six patterns of the lesson show all of the possible combinations of two sixteenth notes and two sixteenth rests in one beat, in time signatures where the quarter note is equal to one beat. Remember that two sixteenth rests are equal to one eighth rest. Therefore, when we have two sixteenth rests in a row, an eighth rest is usually used instead because it is easier to read. However, if the eighth rest would overlap a beat, we use two sixteenth rests, as shown in pattern 1015.
Read the introduction to sixteenth rests for further explanations of them, and see the practice suggestion page for sixteenth rests. It is also very helpful to use a quadruple subdivision metronome, like the one at MetronomeBot.com.
More Practice Patterns: One Sixteenth Rest Per Beat, Patterns 1001-1011.
Three Sixteenth Rests Per Beat, Patterns 1024-1034.
Practice Pattern Table of Contents
Lesson 10 Introduction - learn about sixteenth rests
Lesson 10 Practice Suggestions - learn how to practice these patterns well
Play along with MetronomeBot
Buy the book, The Fundamentals of Rhythm.
Pattern 1012: This pattern is played four times. Just like patterns 1001-1004, it is accompanied by MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivisions at quarter note = 60. If that tempo is too fast, listen to the audio recording a few times and then practice the pattern at a slower tempo with a quadruple subdividing metronome. Repeat all of patterns 1012 through 1017 many times to internalize those rhythms and improve your rhythm and sight reading skills.
With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert C.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1013: This pattern is played four times. It is accompanied by MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivisions at quarter note = 60. If that tempo is too fast, listen to the audio recording a few times and then practice the pattern at a slower tempo with a quadruple subdividing metronome.
With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert D.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1014: This pattern is played four times. It is accompanied by MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivisions at quarter note = 60. Notice that Pattern 1014 sounds very similar to the dotted eighth-sixteenth rhythm that was covered in Lesson 9. The only difference is that in the case of Pattern 1014, the first note is played shorter than a dotted eighth note.
With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert E.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1015: This pattern is played four times, with MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert F.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1016: This pattern is played four times. Pattern 1016 is very similar to two eighth notes because there is a note on the beat and a note on the second half of the beat. The only difference is that the notes in Pattern 1016 are played shorter than eighth notes.
With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert G.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1017: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert A. Repeat patterns 1012 through 1017 several times to feel the subdivisions and improve your rhythm and sight reading skills.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1018: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert B flat.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1019: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert F.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1020: Quarter note = 60, on Concert E flat.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1021: Quarter note = 60, on Concert D.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1022: Quarter note = 72, on Concert E flat.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1023: Quarter note = 72, on Concert B.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Practice Pattern Table of Contents
Lesson 10 Introduction - learn about sixteenth rests
Lesson 10 Practice Suggestions - learn how to practice these patterns well
Play along with MetronomeBot
Buy the book, The Fundamentals of Rhythm.
All pattern images © 2012 by Kyle Coughlin, All Rights Reserved
Get the Book
Fundamentals of Rhythm book
If you would like all of this information in book format so that you can put it on your music stand and practice it wherever you go, get The Fundamentals of Rhythm, by Kyle Coughlin. The book includes all of the lesson information and practice exercises found on the website.
Use MetronomeBot for a fun online metronome!
The online metronome that counts the beat, subdivides, and offers encouraging practice tips.
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