Home - Practice Pattern Table of Contents - Practice Patterns 1001-1011 - Practice Patterns 1012-1023
The practice patterns on this page feature rhythms with three sixteenth rests per beat, in time signatures of 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4. The first four patterns show all of the possible combinations of one sixteenth note and three sixteenth rests in a beat in these time signatures. These patterns feature a wide range of difficulty. Pattern 1024 is pretty simple, with the sixteenth notes only occurring on the beat. Pattern 1026 is a bit more complicated, with the sixteenth notes occurring on the second half of each beat. However, patterns 1025 and 1027 are much more difficult.
Read the introduction to sixteenth rests for more information about them. Practice these patterns frequently, read the sixteenth rest practice suggestion page, use a quadruple subdivision metronome, and always count and feel the subdivisions.
More Practice Patterns: One Sixteenth Rest Per Beat, Patterns 1001-1011.
Two Sixteenth Rests Per Beat, Patterns 1012-1023.
Practice Pattern Table of Contents
Lesson 10 Introduction - learn about sixteenth rests
Lesson 10 Practice Suggestions - learn how to practice these patterns well
Play along with MetronomeBot
Buy the book, The Fundamentals of Rhythm.
Pattern 1024: The four introductory patterns for Part 3 of Lesson 10 feature one sixteenth note per beat. Each pattern is played four times. Pattern 1024 is very simple -- it features one sixteenth note on each beat.
With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert E.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1025: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert A. Played four times. If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1026: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert D. Played four times. If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1027: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert G. Played four times. If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1028: This pattern features each of the combinations of sixteenth notes and sixteenth rests covered in patterns 1024-1027. With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert B flat.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1029: Quarter note = 72, on Concert A.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1030: With MetronomeBot counting the quadruple subdivided beat, quarter note = 60, on Concert C.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1031: Quarter note = 72, on Concert B.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1032: Quarter note = 60, on Concert B flat.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1033: Quarter note = 72, on Concert A.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Pattern 1034: Quarter note = 72, on Concert G.
If you can't hear the audio, listen to it here.
Practice Pattern Table of Contents
Lesson 10 Introduction - learn about sixteenth rests
Lesson 10 Practice Suggestions - learn how to practice these patterns well
Play along with MetronomeBot
Buy the book, The Fundamentals of Rhythm.
All pattern images © 2012 by Kyle Coughlin, All Rights Reserved
Get the Book
Fundamentals of Rhythm book
If you would like all of this information in book format so that you can put it on your music stand and practice it wherever you go, get The Fundamentals of Rhythm, by Kyle Coughlin. The book includes all of the lesson information and practice exercises found on the website.
Use MetronomeBot for a fun online metronome!
The online metronome that counts the beat, subdivides, and offers encouraging practice tips.
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