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Tuplets are rhythms that divide the beat into unexpected subdivisions within the given time signature. The most common tuplets are triplets, which we learned in Lesson 16. Tuplets are indicated by brackets above or below the group of notes, with a number that indicates the type of tuplet.
Tuplets can occur in almost any number. For example, in compound meter the beat is divided into three equal parts, but it is possible to have two equal eighth notes in a beat. They are called duplets and are indicated with brackets and the number 2.
The beat can be subdivided into any number of equal parts. There are no standard syllables used for counting these subdivisions. However, you can always use words with the same number of syllables as the tuplets. Most importantly, make sure that each tuplet in the group is equal in length.
Another type of tuplet occurs when we have a grouping of notes over an unexpected number of beats. An example of this type of tuplet is four quarter notes played in three beats in simple meter. It is represented with brackets and the number 4, indicating the number of notes, and the number 3, indicating the number of beats. The subdivision of this tuplet is shown in pattern 2210.
Lesson 22 Practice Suggestions
Fundamentals of Rhythm Table of Contents
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